AGM in November

Three positions on the NRFR management committee are up for re-election at the AGM on Saturday November 23 at 2.30pm at Tintenbar Hall.

President Marilyn Leeks says: “I hope you can attend this gathering. If you are a volunteer and not a member, you are welcome to attend as an observer and participate in the discussion following the elections.”

Members are asked to bring a plate to share.

Three management committee positions will be voted on:

  1. President (currently held by Marilyn Leeks)
  2. Vice President (currently held by Isabelle Borrelli)
  3. Ordinary Member (1) (currently held by Julia Fox, Assistant Treasurer, nominated to the management committee by the committee in Feb 2024).

Any nominations using this nomination form must be received by the Secretary – not less than 3 days before the AGM date (ie before Nov 20, 2024).

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