Our vision

To welcome, respect and support refugees and people seeking asylum.

To promote the acceptance and integration of refugees and people seeking asylum in Australia, by thinking globally and acting locally.

What we do

Volunteers across the Northern Rivers coming together to:

Refugee resettlement

Welcome refugees to settle locally and support them to access health, education and other services. >>

Raise awareness

Educate and inform the community on the need to care for people seeking asylum. >>


Fundraise and organise events, markets stalls and donor functions to achieve our vision. >>


Advocate to the Australian government for a better deal for refugees and asylums seekers. >>


Your kind donation will 100% support refugee families settling in the Northern Rivers. >>


Become a member of NRFR, as a small volunteer-run group, we welcome your input. >>

Get involved

There are many ways you can act to change a refugee family’s life! You really can make a difference, one family at a time!

Refugee family welcome

  • Join or start a support group.
  • Undergo training & link with other local groups.
  • Mentor a refugee family and change their lives.
Welcoming a refugee family at the airport

Volunteer at events

  • Get involved in local fundraising activities, or organise an event.
  • Commit ad hoc or more often.
  • Skilled and unskilled opportunities.
  • Join our volunteer register.

“Truly, I am very grateful for your presence in my life and the life of my family, which has finished its first year in Australia. My family and I are enjoying a new life filled with love, friendship and happiness in every sense of the word.”

Foaad Makansi

Celebrating his first anniversary in Australia, supported by NRFR volunteers.

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