About 100 adults and children from around the Northern Rivers enjoyed a multicultural party at Ballina’s Kentwell Community Centre on October 19.
The event was organised by the Multicultural Forum steering committee to help immigrants and refugees make connections and alleviate feelings of isolation.
The Forum used the occasion to highlight the use of communication technologies to maintain relationships across cultural groups and the region.
The first stage of the project had been to organise four gatherings in Kingscliff, Byron, Ballina and Lismore. Many participants expressed a feeling of isolation and wanted to connect with others who were also from other cultures and spoke other languages.
Attendees at the October 19 event came from Ballina, Ulmarra, Lismore, Tweed and Byron shires.
They represented many countries, including Afghanistan, Iran, Venezuela, Korea, Japan, Sudan, Congo, Zimbabwe, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Germany, Romania, Ukraine, India, Sri Lanka, China, Syria, Egypt and Argentina.
The afternoon was facilitated by Ravinder Singh and Meherun Rahman from Multicultural NSW Sydney. Aunty Nancy Walke warmly welcomed everyone onto Country. The activities included cultural performances by Mayu Akiba and Gabriel Out, and the diverse food offering helped everyone feel relaxed and broke down barriers.
The event was supported by Northern Rivers For Refugees.
People were excited to meet others who spoke their language or who had similar settlement experiences. Information was provided about how they could use social media to maintain the connections they had formed on the afternoon.
It is hoped that similar gatherings can be held in communities across the Northern Rivers.

Top photo from left: Ravinder Singh (Multicultural NSW), Kiri Dickers (Ballina Councillor), Marilyn Leeks (president NRFR), Meherun Rahman (Multicultural NSW), Trish Razzi (secretary NRFR), Mayu