Ideas shared at network gathering

Ideas shared at network gathering

Valuable tips for Community Supporter Groups were shared at a recent gathering of 15 people involved in refugee settlement in the Northern Rivers.

The challenge of finding affordable accommodation was one of the main topics discussed at the gathering on November 15 at the Ocean Shores Tavern.

The regular gathering was hosted by Northern Rivers for Refugees and involved people from Tweed, Lismore, Byron and Ballina.

Topics and tips discussed:

  1. Accommodation
    • Get to know the real estate agents in your area and provide information about CRISP and the role of the CSG as guarantors
    • Sympathetic landlords have provided accommodation at a reduced rent either for the first three months or indefinitely. These people have been identified informally, by word of mouth, at coffee shop discussions and friendships
    • Caution against asking initially for reduced rent – market is tight and other renters waiting to step in.
    • Rent that households are paying ranges between $600 and $850 per week.
  1. Fundraising
  • NRFR market stall at Bangalow on fourth Sunday of each month needs more books to sell and more volunteers. Contact Marilyn Leeks or Isabelle Borrelli
  • NRFR committee to look at ways that a regional event calendar can be maintained and shared
  1. CRSA training
  • CRSA provides many resources and training opportunities via their website. Contact person at CRISP is Nicole Watkins
  • In 2025 NRFR will form a small network of people in the region who have been a member of a CSG to talk to people who are interested in becoming part of CRISP.
  • NRFR will also look at ‘tip sheets’ or how we can share local information about education, health and other topics.
  • A good number of CSG members is 8; minimum of 5 suggested by CRSA
  • FoRBS CSG has decided to focus on welcoming Syrian families into the Byron Shire
  • Discussion about the benefit of hosting families from similar cultural backgrounds to those already settled in the area
  • Reminder of the excellent TAFE services in the region
  • General comment that CSGs should enable families to become independent as soon as possible after group support. At the same time, be prepared for ongoing connection and support after 12 months
  • Discussion of selection criteria for families, including literacy, driving skills, likelihood of staying, health needs.
  • Lismore has welcomed a Venezuelan family, a Syrian family and their third family is Hazara from Afghanistan
  • The importance of identifying a wider network of support beyond the CSG members to help with transport, language practice, and other practice tasks
  • The best ways for members of a CSG to communicate with each other were discussed. Some ideas are
    • One or more WhatsApp groups, used for different purposes
    • Continue to meet regularly as a group after household arrives
    • Use group agreements to revisit communication methods
    • Identify what methods of communication work for the individuals in the group
  1. Sharing resources
  • NRFR committee will explore ways that information about local resources and contact people can be shared with all CSGs

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